Smart Human

The Smart Choice for a Better Tomorrow

$0 Down Payment

Save 💰💰💰 on your electricity bill by getting a free quote today!
Request a quote today to see if you qualify


To qualify for the free eligibility review, you must meet 3 requirements. Please answer the questions truthfully.

Solar Can Become Your Best Investment

Millions of homeowners have made a smart decision – they have decided to use
the earth’s greatest and most sustainable resource to power their homes ☀️


Over a decade of rich experience in solar energy


Over a decade of rich experience in solar energy


Over a decade of rich experience in solar energy

Go Solar in 4 EASY STEPS

We Analyze Your Energy

We check your electrical panel & analyze your energy habits to see which system size best suits your needs.


We analyze current energy usage and create a personalized solar layout that suits you.

Design and Permit

Choose the configuration and design that best suits your home while we work on the layout, inspection, and permits.


Our professional and certified team will work with you and your solar consultant to install your panels as quickly as possible.

A Smart Company With Values

We’re a company, that has YOU in mind!

If it doesn’t change your life for the better we don’t want the SMART HUMAN name on it!

If our Values are not at the forefront of the service or product we offer, it will not pass our evaluation.

About Smart Human

We are Local, Trusted and Proven. Learn more about us and our accreditations.

Solar Incentives

Learn more about solar rebates, incentives, and promotions in your state.

$0 Down Payment

You could go solar today without paying a dime! Request a free quote today to see if you qualify.